The Addams Family is a classic platformer game released for the SEGA Genesis, based on the popular 1991 film. In this game, players take control of Gomez Addams as he sets out to rescue his family members, who have been captured by the evil lawyer, Tully Alford. As a result, you must navigate through the spooky Addams mansion, facing enemies, solving puzzles, and unlocking new areas to reunite the family.
Now available to play online at Arcade Games Nostalgia, The Addams Family brings nostalgia with its iconic characters and spooky setting. Therefore, if you’re a fan of retro SEGA Genesis platformers, this game is a must-play!
Gameplay and Story
In The Addams Family, players must explore the eerie mansion, battling various enemies and solving tricky puzzles along the way. Since Gomez has the ability to jump on enemies to defeat them, he can also collect various items to help progress through the game. Each family member is trapped in a different part of the mansion, making the journey a complex and rewarding adventure.
Because of its challenging levels and spooky atmosphere, fans of platformer games will enjoy the great soundtrack that adds to the eerie fun.
Play The Addams Family Online
You can now play The Addams Family online for free at Arcade Games Nostalgia. No need to download any additional software, so you can jump into the action and enjoy this SEGA Genesis classic directly from your browser. Additionally, if you enjoy retro platformers, this game is one you don’t want to miss.
For more information on other SEGA classics, visit the official SEGA website or check out other retro hits like Sonic the Hedgehog.
Arcade Games Nostalgia does not host or store any game ROMs; they are embedded from external sources. We do not monetize the games themselves, only the ads displayed on the site. To legally play these games, users should own the original game cartridges.